The Lord has blessed us with a gift of grace by partnering with American Bible Society of NY.
Since 2004 they have donated over 10,000 Compact Military Bibles which have been distributed to Soldiers in the Army of God
from Akghanistan, to Iraq to all the corners of the world. And for this we give God all the Glory due his name as we worship
the splendor of his Holiness..PS 29:2

Rejoice with us that through Phil Presley, Civilian Chaplain at the Camp Pendleton Hospital, yesterday we picked up at his
home in Norco, CA, 1008 (number not year) Military Compact Bibles (American Bible Society) 100s of Scripture dog tags and
chains. The individuals have signed their names in prayer for the military: three cardboard boxes of Christmas Cards 07,
and individuals have personally signed prayer partner book markers. Also we have several SPANISH Compact Bibles for the
Spanish speaking Marines and Sailors. This will be a joy to distribute these at the Warriors Club, on base redeemed Marines,
and give Bibles to the Chaplains for distribution. Phil shared with Wilma and I, after we loaded the van with the precious
GEAR (Marine term), “Let me know when you need more!” Glory to our Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!
Phil also received a second pallet of the same amount of SPANISH Compact Military Bibles which he gave to the
MCCA mission for the orphanages and ministries in MEXICO. Glory to our Lord Jesus, what a memorable Martin Luther King Holiday!
Phil is a redeemed civilian, who is used by our Lord Jesus for a distribution point for many redeemed NEEDS of
the Churches, the poor and needy, and the military. He also sends out daily a prayer request list, especially for the military,
to 18,000 people in around six different nations (This includes churches and members). He was never in the military, but
was saved in his 30s so he has a great burden in reaching the unsaved, and being faithful to the callings our Father has given
him. Yes, we are together in heart and callings! OOORRRAAAHHHH!