(2 Cor 1:3-5)
Wednesday, Nov 12th, culminated our role in reaching out to fire victims with delivery of a 15-Foot box truck, filled
with donated items to Lake Arrowhead Presbyterian Church. Bob Hahn and I were able to interact with staffs of two churches
and pray with them, along with offering our aid in future events such as Phase II, which is known as the Cleanup and Family
Ministry Phase.
Prior too this outreach, on Saturday, Nov 8th, Pastor Mark and Bill Fresquez led a caravan, 3 trucks of donations, from
South Hills Church in San Jose led by Pastor John Talbert and 6 Volunteers, along with donated items from our church. Mark
reported that as they were unloading the items, these very items were being carried away; truly, it was God's perfect timing
as the Lake Gregory Relief Center had run out of everything. In addition Pastor Mark hand carried over $2300. in cash donations
to Pastor Dave of the Lake Gregory Community Church. Many heartfelt stories emerged like the Mom who came to our collection
center and gave Julie Bower $8.35, everything her 7 year old daughter had saved to give to the Fire Victims. Like the young
woman clutching the blanket we had just offloaded with tears in her eye and yet a smile on her face as she departed.
We were blessed in that God had allowed us to come along side Him in this compassionate care mission, much fruit came
to harvest. We established strong partnerships with Lake Gregory Community Church, Rancho Cucamonga Calvary Chapel, Calvary
Chapel of Lakeview Arizona, Calvary Chapel of Rancho Santa Margarita all who worked together for the common good with no one
wanting the credit.
God's pleasure was upon us in so many instances of "one anothering" in our collection of items, unselfish giving
of time and being respected that took the things of God seriously and with diligence.
Phase 2 Will include deployment of nearly 100 volunteers to aid in Cleanup Ministry, Fire Break Ministry and Assessment.
In addition Bill Fresquez is partnering with EV Free Fullerton in putting together a type of Christmas party for the victims
of the fire.
I am thankful for the team God has put together from our Body; Pastor Mark, Bill Fresquez, Linda, Bob and Linda Hahn,
Julie Bower, Melinda Callaway, Eric Endres, Dennis Shaw, Lyle Bray and the 30 other folks that have signed up to volunteer
to deliver compassionate care and the love of Jesus to all we came in contact with.
Even though I have been through this before, I am still amazed of how intricately God was working in the details. I believe
wholehearted we were to be part of this effort in accordance with his plan (Ephesians 2:10).
For it was God Who was at work in us both to will and to work for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13); and we ascribe all the
glory due His name as we worship the splendor of His holiness.